7 Jun 2007

5 rules to avoid Feed/RSS spam

Since I moved my feeds from sage (a plugin for firefox) to google reader that's the first time I have no unread item! Hurra!

My rules of thumb to avoid being spam by feed:
  1. Think twice before subscribing in the first place (the hardest rule in my case)
  2. Unsubscribe when you don't even read the articles by only the titles
  3. Unsubscribe when article is more than 20 lines (I make exceptions)
  4. Unsubscribe when feed is never updated
  5. Unsubscribe when too much posts (more than 10 per month)
Examples: I removed Seth Godin because of rule #2&5, Joel on Software because of #2.

I'm considering removing TheServerSide because 90% is just:
"xxx framework has release codename: stupid-animal"

Too bad this post is too long (rule #3) ;)

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