22 Jan 2010

Groovy LDAP

I stumbled upon this experiment at apache LDAP project. I don't have the utility right now but I think this is a great idea: Groovy LDAP (I would have made it in ruby/jruby but I'm language agnostic so why not in groovy)

I remember when we were using rdf has a storage mecanism at joost, we used to run update scripts written in jruby (calling java native api). It was an handy solution, script language are more "natural" when it comes to creating/updating/deleting stuff (like SQL does)

Usually you want to hack something quick to fix some bad data and you don't want to start eclipse, compiling and build (like with ant).

Using groovy to ease LDAP maintenance tasks is a great idea.

4 Jan 2010

Switching to Ubuntu (2 months after)

2 months ago, after many issues with my own or my familly members computers, I decided to switch "completly" 3 computers to Ubuntu (Karmic Koala).

I wasn't really scared of Ubuntu (I already had a dual boot) but I used to spend most of my time under windows just because I know my way around windows well...

The reasons I swtiched:
  • Stability! Turn on the computer and use it (mail, internet, photo, musik) that's all!
  • Administration: Wanted to reduce the time I spend administrating computers (updating stuff, dealing with windows licensing, scanning for viruses...)
  • Have a single operating system for all computers; not many windows flavor (XP, Vista etc...)
  • Increase disk space by removing one operating system and it's partition

My conclusions after 2 months: overall good but not has much has I would have expected :(

What went "well":
  • Part of stability: ubuntu told me that a laptop battery had only 10% maximum charge and that an hard drive was about to die (with the number of failing sectors). I already knew that but I find it the hard way with windows (one day the hard drive just didn't boot anymore)
  • Administration: reduce time since I don't have to scan for viruses anymore
  • One "Free" OS to rule them all
  • Disk space

What went "wrong":
  • Stability: what I gained on the hardware part I lost it with numerous problems when turning the computer to "hibernate" mode. Usually when I ask the computer to hibernate and some usb drive is pluged in I have to reboot the hard way
  • Administration: most of usual administrative task (installing with apt-get, updating etc.) are fast but I spend a lot of time trying to install my old webcam, make the wifi work and I failed to make the SD card reader work. Every time I plugin something new into a computer run on linux (here ubuntu) it can become quite easily a command line nightmare
  • As you would expect, there is still a learning curve to find where stuff are located (for example under windows I know instantly where the printers are... under ubuntu I had to scan all menus to find them) now I know but it the same for everything, you just have a certain amount of time dedicated to re-learn what you already know...
  • Musik: I don't find rythmebox (the already installed musik player) good. I find the usabily is really poor (not sort on columns names, playlist get shuffled when re-starting the player, items "diseappear" from playlist when they have been played argh!...) I need to find something better...

I still spend lots of time on administrating but I think that also my geek nature that want me to customize everything :p

SNCF multitouch project

I don't usually make publicity for my company on this blog but what they did for the next generation of multitouch screen for the SNCF (french rails road) is nice :)

You can have a look at the Youtube video:

Technorati tags: sqli sncf

Update: I just realized some students of my school also participate to this contest, funny! (http://pro.01net.com/editorial/509269/concours-multitouch-sncf/)